Accent Modification - What does this mean?

Accent Modification

What does this mean?

And - does changing your pronunciation and intonation mean

losing a part of your identity?

Accent Modifications

Accents - we hear them every day. Every one of us has an  accent - and we should be proud of it —an accent tells people we are bilingual or trilingual - or where in the world we come from. 

However when it comes to defining the word “ accent” we sometimes struggle pinpointing exactly what it means.

What actually is an accent? An accent is made up of many components, including:

Rhythm of the words
flow of the sentence
Tone of voice
Let's look at “ tone”. Did you know that the interpretation of your message can change depending on which words you stress in a sentence, and also your tone of voice?

Try it out for yourself! Try  the following sentence, for example:

“I never said she was late” 

Read this sentence several times, but each time you read it try putting emphasis on a different word. The meaning of the sentence changes each time, depending on the word you choose to emphasize. 

Our stressed words communicate the message!

accent reductions

What is accent modification and why would someone want to modify their accent?

Accents are a part of our first language, culture, and identity. 

However,  mispronunciation or intonation errors can prevent others from understanding your true meaning. Many aspects of your productivity come from external influences, including how receptive people are to your ideas and input. If you are not properly understood, communication barriers can lead to misunderstanding and ultimately difficulty in reaching your goals.

How often do you say something critical in a meeting or interview, and are met with a blank expression indicating that your comment was not really received? When you are understood the first time you speak, listeners will value your ideas more quickly.

Accent modification focuses on ensuring that your comments are understood and appreciated the first time you speak.

Does accent modification mean giving up part of your identity? 

Contrary to what many believe, accent modification is not aimed at making people lose their native accent (native English speaker). No one accent is better than another. It is important to know that accents are NOT a speech or language disorder. Accents and Communication Your accent can say a lot about speech therapy service for your background and where you are from. You may be very proud of your accent.

Accent modification will allow you to sound strong, clear, and confident when you speak, and be clearly understood by others, especially in social settings. It can help reduce miscommunication and assist in many areas including job interviews, presentations, and promotion negotiation.  A Typical Speech Therapy Session by a speech therapist, you will work on certain goals that have been set by the therapist, taking into account non native speakers. Those will address the concerns you've shared and changes you can make to your speech patterns to modify your accent, with the main focus on individual's specific needs. Modifying Sound Pronunciation You say “to-may-to”, I say “to-mah-to”. Additionally, experience working on accent modification can greatly enhance communication skills.

native speaker of English - does accent modification apply to me?

I am a native speaker of English - does accent modification apply to me?

Surprisingly it can! 

How did British actor Benedict Cumberbatch star in Dr. Strange speaking in a North American accent? How about when American actress Meryl Streep spoke in a British accent to play Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady? Actors undergo accent modification constantly for their roles.

Now maybe you’re not an actor, but regional accents can impact how well perceived your message is. If you speak with a heavy regional accent, it can be hard to understand for some people from a different region. Everyone has an accent. Even native English speakers from different regions, states, or countries sound different. An accent is a natural part of spoken language. It is NOT a communication disorder.

How do I know if this is something for me?

Sometimes, you might not even recognize that your accent is impacting your communication! By speaking to a speech language pathologists, you can receive a communication assessment and a personalized framework to help you speak clearly, confidently, and powerfully. Speech science pathologists offer accent modification services “speech therapy services“ but do not "treat" accents or dialects because neither are considered communication disorders.

Working on your North American accent can help you feel “heard”.

Contact us today to learn how our speech language pathologist can curate a customized plan for you. speech language pathology Includes:
- Vocabulary often used in your profession What is included in the accent modification toronto program?
- Presentation and public speaking skills
- Enhancing interviewing skills

Searching for “speech therapy near me”? All of our sessions are online now, ready to help you from the comfort of your home. 


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