Toronto Public Speaking Coaching - Meet Your Executive Online Public Speaking Coach

Do you experience anxiety or fear whenever you're faced with public speaking or presentation?

Have you wished to find your voice and become a clear, confident, and persuasive speaker? We can help you!

You're not alone; learning to speak in public is an art and a science.

Speech Science is the top choice for those who want to improve their public speaking skills in Toronto and beyond.

Bonnie Gross is an executive speaking coach who uses the science and mindset of speech to help top-tier leaders become the most memorable and persuasive people in the room.

Our services are designed to help you achieve your goals, whether you can only start after 5:00 PM or devote a few hours on the weekend.

Book your consultation with one of our experts today. We can easily help you write and deliver outstanding presentations and speeches for a special event or your job.

Why Is Public Speaking Challenging for Many?

Public speaking is one of the most common fears people have. Whether you are a student or a professional giving a presentation at work, these are the reasons most people find it so challenging:

Fear of Failure

Fear of failure is the top reason why people struggle with public speaking. You may have had an experience that could have gone better, making you lose your voice when it's time for presentations. Likewise, you might worry about repeating these same mistakes.

Reasons for fear of failure :

What if I forget something?

What if I run out of time?

What if I am not engaging the audience?

What if I fall back into my old habits of speaking too fast or not using the exact right words?

NB - It's ok to make a mistake – it's how you handle it, and how you prepare that’s important!

Learning to speak fluently and persuasively is possible, and we can help you develop techniques that will improve your skills over time.

Fear of Judgment from the Audience

Audience judgment is a real fear. You might worry that the group will judge you, which makes you nervous and unable to find your authentic voice.

While everyone will have an opinion at the event, your purpose is to deliver the most convincing speech possible. Public speaking should focus on connecting with the audience; when you learn to do that, you will succeed.

Lack of Confidence

A lack of confidence can mean you feel too nervous to speak to the group. You may also wonder if you have valuable ideas or worry about what others think of you.

If you lack confidence, it will be difficult to find your voice and deliver clear speeches to the attendees.

SpeechScience will help you develop the confidence you need to find your voice and speak clearly and confidently.

Lack of Rehearsal or Preparation

Have you ever stood up to deliver a presentation at 8:00 PM and realized you weren't fully prepared? This is one of the biggest reasons for feeling nervous and not expressing yourself properly. Public speaking is an art and a science; SpeechScience will teach you how to rehearse to sound natural and persuasive.

Why Gain Public Speaking Skills through Speech Science

When you take our public speaking course, you will learn how to:

  • Prepare for speeches to avoid anxiety and fear

  • Plan your remarks to connect with your audience

  • Keep the audience's attention

  • Create impactful statements

  • Communicate confidence using various techniques and tricks, regardless of how you feel

Customized Public Speaking Sessions for Individuals and Teams in Toronto and Beyond

Here at Speech Science, we know that each person has different goals and needs. Therefore, we offer a public speaking course that's personalized to match your requirements.

If you want to learn to speak clearly, confidently, and persuasively - we can help!

Why Invest in a Public Speaking Course from Speech Science

While taking a public speaking course might seem needless, you will find that your presentations are much better. You can prepare yourself and gain ideas to help you grow.

Ultimately, our students enroll in the program for various reasons. You'll find your voice and be ready for anything as a speaker. Here are a few reasons to invest in our class:

You must command a presence with just your voice before a camera or on stage. This rarely comes naturally to people.

Luckily, our lessons can help you become a better speaker. We want you to reach your goals and can make it easier to complete a presentation that the audience will remember.

When you stand in front of a camera or on stage, you must command a presence with just your voice. This rarely comes naturally to people.

Luckily, you can learn to become a better speaker through our lessons. We want you to reach your goals and can make it easier to complete a presentation that the audience will remember.

Better Onstage Performance

Boost Credibility

If you're an influential speaker, people must believe what you say. Creating the perfect presentation doesn't matter if you can't convey your knowledge. The audience must be captivated enough to remember the message.

Our public speaking course will help you boost your credibility. Instead of being afraid, you'll be proud to stand up and say your piece. We focus on clarity and will ensure you conquer your fears.

Be Able to Advance in Your Career

Most professionals want to reach their full potential and enhance business presentations. This will show they can communicate effectively and allow them to advance in their fields. Our class will help you achieve success.

The most effective communication skills include empathy, active listening, confidence, and clarity. However, you must learn to stand without fidgeting and make eye contact with everyone during the presentation.

Students learn all these things in our class, making them better speakers in the long run.

The most effective communication skills include empathy, active listening, confidence, and clarity. However, you must learn to stand without fidgeting and make eye contact with everyone during the presentation.

In our class, students learn all these things, making them better speakers in the long run.

Learn Effective Communication Skills

Why Choose Speech Science

Why do our clients rave about our public speaking course? Here are the reasons people choose us:

  • Experience - We've been successful in the industry for over 25 years, so we know what we're doing.

  • Evidence-based Practices - Read our client reviews

  • Trusted by these clients:

  • Committed to Your Goals - We will make sure you reach your speaking goals with each custom program

Are you ready to make a lasting impression on any audience? Our public speaking training will help you become a confident and memorable speaker. Contact us to learn more about our services today.

We ensure you find and use your leadership voice and deliver dynamic speeches confidently and clearly.
Connect Today!

Toll-Free: 1-877-939-3881
Toronto: (416)-662-7304

Contact Us for Toronto Public Speaking Courses Today!