How to Update Your Presentation Style and be a Persuasive Speaker

How to Update Your Presentation Style and be a Persuasive Speaker

Just like trends in food, fashion, or language change over time, the way we are expected to deliver business presentations changes and evolves as well.

Imagine this scenario - you have to give a quarterly presentation to an executive committee. You are worried that it will be boring and too long.

It’s time to update your presentation style to become a strong, persuasive presenter. 

Now let’s dive into how to bring this presentation up to modern times.


Old Way:

Give a complete detailed account of what has happened in the last quarter.

New Way:

Summarize  key points,  and include your opinion and interpretation. 


Old Way:

Create detailed, word-heavy slides that can also be used as a handout.

New Way:

Create easy to read slides with key points only. Create more detailed slides as a handout. 

When designing presentations, you should consider incorporating video, using a visual heavy but minimalist design, and focus on cleaner and more modern typography and fonts. It’s also important to remember where your audience is physically and adapt for virtual presentations. Also think about making your presentation mobile-phone friendly for those who may be on the go.


Old Way:

Memorize and speak every conceivable detailed point and be sure not to leave anything out even if you need to speak quickly. (Sounds exhausting!)

New Way:

Create remarks and key points that your audience will connect with. Speak clearly and confidently to each of your main points. Ask your audience for questions to go into detail as necessary. 

Remember that presentation styles are continuously evolving, and new trends in presentation continue to emerge. Make sure you are staying in line with the presentation style and requirements of your specific industry as well. What works for a marketing agency may not work for a financial firm. Staying updated with the latest design, speech, and technology trends can help you create more impactful and engaging presentations.


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