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Colleen Davidson

Office Administrator and Administrative Assistant

Colleen Davidson joined SpeechScience in July of 2017 as an Administrative Assistant and Office Administrator. Colleen, an Office Ninja, brings over 25 years of executive support to the team. Best in class, her career began by supporting executives in TV production before she made the migration to major consulting and financial firms such as CSA Group, SAP, KPMG, and the Scarsin Corporation.

Colleen is passionate, tech-savvy, and an early adopter. Colleen has the unique ability to focus on the details while still being able to see the bigger picture. The ultimate goal of providing reliable and experienced back office practices.

Colleen became the Director for H.U.B Inc. Durham North, in January 2020 and was on the board of Start-Up Durham, Uxbridge Chamber of Commerce and belongs to a large group of networking associations.  

She has received awards from the United Way for her role as Chair at Canadian Standards Association, Town of Ajax and from the Uxbridge Chamber of Commerce.